Starter Kit

Stampin’ Up! always has a really good join offer during Sale-a-Bration and this year is no different! You have two options this year:

Option #1:

  • $125 worth of products for $99
  • Two Free Marker Sets 
  • A Free Stamp Set – Handmade Designs Cling Stamp Set
  • Free Shipping
  • That’s a $216 value for $99

Option #2

  • $125 worth of products for $99
  • Plus and additional $30 to spend on Stampin’ Up! products
  • Free Shipping
  • That’s a $155 value for $99

You can join the Stampin’ Up! family of demonstrators! There’s no pressure at all to sell or hold workshops! You can join for the amazing value and fun! You’ll get an ongoing discount on all products and early access to all product launches! If you have more questions, you can look below, and if I don’t address your questions, just shoot me an email (look on the sidebar). If you’re ready to join you can click here

When I purchased the Starter Kit in 2009, it was solely for the discount. I loved the products and would go through the catalog numerous times from cover to cover every chance I got! The Starter Kit is completely customizable and you can choose what you want. When I joined, the kit was preselected by Stampin’ Up! so I love that you can pick what you want now. I love being a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator! 

The Stampin’ Up! Starter Kit is for someone who loves purchasing Stampin’ Up! product and also loves getting a 20%+ discount! But, it’s also for the person who would like to start their own business and share their love of paper crafting. You never have to sell or have a party (unless you want to). See below for frequently asked questions about the Starter Kit. 



Commonly Asked Questions

If I purchase the Starter Kit, do I have to sell Stampin’ Up! products to my family and friends?  No, you are under NO obligation to sell.  You can be your only customer.  Of course once your friends see the cute cards you’re making, they’ll want to buy their stamping supplies from you. 

Will I receive a discount on any products I buy?  Yes!! This is the best part! You’ll receive at least a 20% discount on all your purchases.  

Do I have to buy/sell a certain amount of product?  The quarterly minimum is $300 in product (which is only $240 after your discount!) that can be from personal orders, online orders or ones from family and friends. The quarters are January – March, April – June, July – September, October – December.  Once you join, your quarterly minimum begins during your first FULL quarter.

What if I can’t make the quarterly minimum?  You’ll simply be dropped.  No one will hassle you. No one will bother you. It truly is risk free to purchase the Starter Kit!

Are there other perks to purchasing the Starter Kit? Yes! Here are just a few:

  • The Starter Kit ships FREE! 
  • Approximately a month before new products are released, you’ll be able to participate in a preorder and purchase brand new products ahead of the public
  • Attend Stampin’ Up! events like OnStage
  • Personal purchases of $150 are eligible to receive Stampin’ Rewards 
  • Succeed Weekly emails with support and training from Stampin’ Up! 
  • Complimentary copy of each current catalog from Stampin’ Up! 
  • Free Access to my Card Sampler PDF tutorials

If you have more questions, please reach out to me.  Simply click the EMAIL button on my sidebar. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have and I’d love for you to join my team!  If you’re ready to purchase the Starter Kit now, click here