I have a new Host code for the month of December! When you use my current host code and your order is $50 or more, you become eligible to earn a prize at the end of the month when I close the code! Each month there are different prizes to choose from! Click here to place an order. 

A brand new catalog, the Occasions Catalog, debuts on January 3, 2019! Sale-A-Bration also begins on that same day (earn free product for every $50 you spend)!! If you’ve placed an order with me in the last 6 months, you will automatically receive both catalogs in the mail.  If you don’t already have a demonstrator and live in the U.S., you can request a complimentary copy of both catalogs by filling out this form. Demonstrators can start ordering the catalogs on the 5th and once I receive mine, I’ll send yours off to you! 

Did you know that demonstrators can purchase products from the new Occasions catalog a month before it goes live? If that sounds like fun to you, consider purchasing the Starter Kit.  You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! The Starter Kit is $99 but you can choose $125 worth of Stampin’ Up! product! Plus, the Starter Kit always ships FREE. You always have two choices when placing a Stampin’ Up! order.  #1, Order from me!  #2, Purchase the Starter Kit and then you’ll receive a 20%-25% discount on all your future purchases! Once you join, if you decide that you like getting the discounts (as well as many other perks), then it was a great choice for you! If you decide that you’d rather purchase from me, simply drop.  No hassles, at all! If you have questions, please contact me! I’d love for you to join my team! If you’re ready to jump in and join, click here

See you tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!