It has been one of those weeks where I haven’t had much of a chance to get into my craft room and play. I did get a chance early this morning and I’ll share those projects next week!
My grandson is now five months old. I can’t believe how fast the months are flying by. It feels like he was just born a few weeks ago! He is an absolute sweetheart and has a smile that makes me grin from ear to ear.
My granddaughter spent the night one day this week and it is always enjoyable when she is with us. I found some beads in the closet that I had been saving from my classroom. We pulled them out and Audrey played with them for hours and hours.
Tomorrow is the official end of summer. I wish we were heading into fall weather where I live but the forecast says that it will be in the 90s all next week. My locket today makes me think of summer. Hope you are enjoying your Labor Day weekend!