petite bag

If you like to give little treats to friends and family, these Petite Cafe Gift Bags are the perfect solution! They are made of kraft paper and lined inside so that you can add a goodie that might leak through the paper (cookies, zucchini bread . . . .).  I decided to add Hershey’s Kisses.  I don’t have the bag that the kisses came in but it was one of the smaller sizes.  I added 1 1/2 packages to this bag.  I realized too late that had I made my star shape opening lower down on the bag, I could have gotten away with just one bag of kisses.  As it was, you could barely see the candy and I think that half the fun is seeing the candy peek through SO more candy went in!

Here’s how I created the opening with the Star Framelits.

1.  Open the bag.

2.  Place the Framelit with the cutting edge facing toward the front of the bag.

3.  Run it through your Big Shot.

4. Cut a piece of Window Sheet plastic just a bit larger than your shape and place it inside your bag using glue dots.

Thanks so much for stopping by!