I wanted to pop in today to let you know I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth.  As many of you know, my mom went in for major surgery on March 31st. She had a section of her lung removed due to cancer. We went to the doctor several days after she was released and everything was looking very good. Eleven days ago my sister and I took her to the Emergency Room because she was very weak, not eating, and more. It was discovered she had massive clots in her lungs which in turn was making her heart weak. She’s on medication for the lung clots and thankfully her heart is okay. It’s been a long, and very frightening road. She is still very weak and several days ago she was put on a feeding tube. Her doctor feels she will come out of this. We expect that she will be released from the hospital in a few more days, if nothing else goes wrong. 

Once my mom is stable, I will start sending thank you emails for the orders that have come in. If you are expecting Card Samplers, they will be late. Yesterday I was at the hospital from 7:00 – 7:00 and once I’m home, I just can’t focus on anything. My sister and I have hope that our precious mom will make it through this. 

Thank you for your understanding.